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Ways To Stay Fit Without Equipment

Author: Dennis Mock

Ways to stay fit without equipment

Many of us find it difficult to motivate ourselves to exercise. In fact, we are frequently looking for excuses. The gym is too far away. It's too hot or cold to workout outside. I'm too busy. And so forth.

However, not having the proper equipment should never be used as an excuse. In fact, working out using body weight and endurance routines to get in shape is one of the most effective methods available.

With a few simple recommendations and words of warning, exercising without equipment can be one of the most effective ways of getting and staying fit.

Sit ups and push ups
Although we often learn these exercise routines in gym class, they can be effective strength-builders for people of any age. With no danger of falling weights or malfunctioning equipment, pushups are a great way to build pectoral and upper-arm muscles. Plus, they are endlessly customizable. If they are becoming too easy, move your hands closer together to add resistance. Or, clap between repetitions if you're feeling particularly Herculean.

Running up flights of stairs is an easy way to build thigh strength, improve your cardiovascular system and increase balance. Moreover, stairs are everywhere and we often need to climb them several times a day. By rushing up and down them, we can transform this daily task into an impromptu workout session.

It's also easy to add these to your routine. If you live or work above the ground floor, shun the elevator and run up the steps. In a few days, you'll find that it's easier and even enjoyable.

Our bodies provide much of the resistance we need to stay healthy and strong. One of the best ways to go about this is doing squats. By starting from a crouched position and exploding upward, you can add strength to your thighs and ankles and improve balance.

In Brief

  • With a few simple recommendations and words of warning, exercising without equipment can be one of the most effective ways of getting and staying fit.

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