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Effective Ways To Cut Household Spending

Author: Stella Giese

Effective ways to cut household spending

Sometimes it feels as if there isn't enough time in the day or money in your wallet. Saving money is an ongoing struggle for many families, but a few tips can help you cut your household spending and build a new outlook on saving.

Set a budget
The first step to saving is to set a goal of what you are saving for. Whether it's a house, retirement, or child's college tuition, be sure you know what you're working for and how much it will take. Set up a budget that includes weekly and monthly goals to monitor your process. One helpful tip is to make the goals as personal as possible to increase your motivation for saving.

Examine your habits
Be sure to take a look at your eating habits and make adjustments that could save you money. If you eat out regularly, you may save more by eating in or packing a lunch to eat at work. Save even more by cooking extra portions then freezing the leftovers for a quick, easy meal later in the week.

Don't forget to look at what you drink. You can save money by brewing coffee at home rather than buying it on the way to work. Better yet, drink more water. It's healthier than soda and costs less.

Sleep on it
Before making any big purchase, be sure to sleep on it. Avoid making an impulsive buy by waiting on every big purchase you make. Often the desire will fade, allowing you to carefully weigh the benefits of the purchase. If you still feel you need to buy the item and it fits into your budget, go right ahead.

Don't forget the slush fund
Almost everyone has a debit card. Many banks offer an option on for debit card use, which rolls leftover change from a purchase into a saving account - creating an electronic change jar.

In Brief

  • Saving money is an ongoing struggle for many families, but a few tips can help you cut your household spending and build a new outlook on saving.

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