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Articles found for "author:"

The Risks And Rewards Of Getting A Motorcycle

Much more fuel efficient and less expensive to maintain, getting a motorcycle is another option, although some consider them unsafe and impractical.

Author: Mike Yates

Using Credit Cards To Help Finance Summer Vacations

Many Americans are saving on summer trips is by using their credit card rewards to help foot a portion of the bill

Author: Deborah Braley

Part-time Job Ideas

Whether it's a student looking for summer work or someone hoping to earn supplementary income by moonlighting, part-time jobs are an important segment of employment.

Author: Arthur Truax

Getting The Bang For Your Buck At The Salad Bar

One of the greatest tools in the pursuit of good, inexpensive food is the salad bar.

Author: Mike Yates

Understanding Hurricane Insurance

One of the most important steps you can take to get through hurricane season as peacefully as possible is to learn about how your insurance handles hurricanes.

Author: Deborah Braley

Three Great Cities To Raise A Family

If you're planning on raising a family, here's a list of places that might make the perfect location.

Author: Timothy Bibbs

Baby Talk: How Infants Learn To Speak

The vagaries of grammar, the appearance and disappearance of vocabulary and the subtleties of dialects are all topics that researchers spend years studying.

Author: Denise Mardis

Tools For Teaching Children With Dyslexia

With the knowledge that a child suffers from dyslexia, both parents and teachers can use a few simple guidelines to tailor their instruction to help the child break free of dyslexia and learn to read and write along with their peers.

Author: Bobby Warnock

Entrepreneurship Ideas For 2012

With the job market still volatile and new jobs hard to come by, now might be the perfect time to consider starting your own business.

Author: Deborah Braley

The Country's Best Aquariums

Here's a list of some of the biggest, most diverse and vibrant aquariums in the country.

Author: Arthur Truax
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